Affirmations for Marriage and Relationships: Nurture Love and Positivity

Summary : Enhance your relationships with powerful affirmations for love, positive relationships, and marriage. Discover the power of affirmations and build deeper connections.

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Affirmations, or instead positive affirmations, are encouraging words or sentences you can repeat to yourselves. The theory of self-affirmation dictates that words have power, and how we talk to ourselves forms the blueprint of our attitude, mindset and behaviour. So, if you want to bring about change in any area of your life, using positive affirmations can help you achieve that. Different areas of your life require different affirmations. For example, there are various exercises when you want to train a particular part of your body. Want better relationships? Try relationship affirmations. Want to find love in your life? Try love affirmations. Want to work on your marriage? Try marriage affirmations. Want to practice mindfulness every day? Try daily affirmations. There is an affirmation for everything you want to transform and improve. Using affirmations requires a deeper understanding of the subject. So, let’s get started. 

Learn about the essential qualities of a relationship in this short session with Kanchan Wadi on SoulSensei.

Understanding the Power of Positive Affirmations

Affirmations are statements and phrases to ward off negative thoughts and adopt a positive attitude. They help cultivate a more positive self-image by reinforcing positive words in our subconscious. Affirmations are grounded in psychological solid and neurological research, so they’re not just humbug. They work. Here are a few reasons why affirmations can potentiate in transforming your life. 

  1. Self-affirmation Theory: It has been found that self-affirmation can influence one’s attitude and behaviour towards life by cultivating a positive self-image.
  2. Build New Neural Pathways: They help form new positive neural pathways in your brain, helping your brain think more optimistically. They’re like training equipment but for your brain muscles.
  3. Solve Cognitive Dissonance: Affirmations help align​​ thoughts with actions. Execution of your intentions becomes easier when you use affirmations.
  4. Boost Resilience: Affirmations can make you more resilient, helping you tackle life’s challenges easily.
  5. Simple yet Significant: These phrases or sentences can be simple but can significantly impact your mind. 

You can make these affirmations even more effective by making them part of your daily meditation practice. You can recite these affirmations aloud while meditating. You can also visualise your goals while repeating these affirmations. For example, today, we’re discussing relationships. If you want to meet your soulmate while repeating love affirmations, visualise meeting your soulmate with the smallest detail. Feel the love, joy and excitement you will feel upon meeting your partner. In addition, you can try repeating these affirmations in front of a mirror to reinforce them in your thought process better.  

love affirmations

Top Positive Relationship Affirmations

Now that we’ve established how affirmations work and the power they possess, let’s see how they improve our relationships. We are social creatures, and love is important for all of us. Whether it’s in the form of friendship or romantic relationships, it’s something that we all crave and deserve. Trouble in relationships can have a significant impact on our mental well-being and take a toll on our daily lives. Affirmations can help immensely strengthen our relationships and improve how we connect with our loved ones. There are different affirmations for different relationships. In this article, we’ll share some powerful positive relationship affirmations for marriage, love and friendship. Let’s begin with love affirmations: 

For manifesting love:

  1. I feel surrounded by love everywhere
  2. I am grateful for the people who love me.
  3. I deserve the love I receive.
  4. I love to give and receive love.
  5. I am letting love into my life.
  6. My heart is open to love.
  7. I believe in love.
  8. The love I seek also seeks me.
  9. I deserve love as I am.
  10. I am ready to find true love.
  11. I radiate love, and it returns to me.
  12. I am at peace, knowing love comes naturally to me.

For love relationships:

  1. I love my partner the way they are.
  2. I love spending intimate moments with my partner.
  3. I am happy and content with the relationship I have.
  4. I feel grateful for all the things my partner does for me.
  5. I am in a loving, committed and strong relationship with my partner.
  6. My partner and I both deserve to love and be loved.
  7. With every passing day, our relationship grows stronger.
  8. We support and uplift each other every day.
  9. I am open to receiving unconditional love from my partner.
  10. I am grateful to have my partner in my life.
  11. We are in love and happy together.
  12. My inner being is filled with loving feelings for my partner.
  13. The love between me and my partner is more vital than our misunderstandings.

For marriage:

  1. I feel safe and secure in my marriage and know I’m loved.
  2. I shower my husband/wife with unconditional love and affection.
  3. I am devoted to my spouse.
  4. I am thankful for my spouse daily.
  5. I believe in marriage.
  6. I am a supportive, loving spouse.
  7. Beautiful things are in store for my spouse and me.
  8. Our marriage grows stronger every day.
  9. I value our commitment to each other and honour our vows.
  10. I am devoted to my spouse.
  11. I am enjoying the things in my marriage that I already have.
  12. I always look for ways to contribute to my spouse’s happiness.
  13. My spouse is and always will be my best friend.

For friendship:

  1. I am grateful for supportive and encouraging friends.
  2. All my friends are lovely people in their way.
  3. I feel safe with my friends.
  4. I am a loyal and reliable friend.
  5. I feel happy with my friends.
  6. I attract amazing friends.
  7. I know I can rely on my friends.
  8. I allow myself to choose friends that are healthy for me.
  9. New friendships are exciting to me.
  10. I listen to my friends with empathy.
  11. I make an effort to show how much I care for my friends.
  12. I maintain long-lasting friendships.

In this short session with Kanchan Wadi, understand how one person can change a relationship.

Affirmations are positive and powerful sentences that can help transform your life and relationships. Different affirmations work for other goals. There are love affirmations for manifesting and maintaining love in your life, marriage affirmations for strengthening your marriage, and friendship affirmations for inviting exciting new friendships into your life and strengthening your existing friendships. You can make these affirmations highly effective by reciting them in front of a mirror, meditating with them, journaling with them, and visualising your goals. 


  • – 110+ love affirmations for relationships, marriage, family & friends. 


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