Sheetkari Pranayama: Benefits and Techniques for Stress Relief

Summary : Sheetkari Pranayama is a breathing technique for reducing stress while promoting mental clarity & calm. Know the benefits of Sheetkari Pranayama & practice now!
sheetkari pranayama

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Sheetkari Pranayama is a breathing technique for reducing stress while promoting mental clarity and calm. Discover the calming power of Sheetkari Pranayama, a lesser-known yet highly effective breathing technique designed to promote stress relief and inner tranquility. 

Rooted in ancient yogic practices, Sheetkari Pranayama involves a unique method of breathing that cools the body, soothes the mind, and enhances overall well-being. Whether you’re looking to manage daily stress, balance your emotions, or improve focus, this practice offers a simple yet profound way to restore harmony. 

In this blog, explore the benefits of Sheetkari Pranayama and learn step-by-step techniques to integrate it into your daily routine for a more balanced and serene life.

What is Sheetkari Pranayama?

The sheetkari pranayama is also known as the hissing breath pranayama. It is a breathing exercise that is usually practised after completing your yoga asanas and pranayamas to cool your body down. According to the yogic text, Hatha Yoga Pradeepika, the sheetkari pranayama is practised by rolling your tongue to touch the upper palate of your mouth with your teeth clenched and lips apart. The sheetkari pranayama is a variation of the sheetali pranayama for those who find it difficult to do.

Learn how to do the sheetkari pranayama with Prameet Kotak on SoulSensei.

Benefits of Practicing Sheetkari Pranayama

There are many benefits of sheetkari pranayama because it has a cooling effect on the body and helps calm the nervous system. When done right, this pranayama can have many positive effects on your body and mind. Sheetkari pranayama benefits are as follows.

  • This pranayama has a cooling effect on the body as a result of the action of pulling in air through the teeth.
  • The breathing technique promotes calm and relaxation.
  • The sheetkari pranayama also reduces hunger, sleep, thirst and laziness.
  • This pranayama improves your dental and oral health.
  • This pranayama helps keep your mind, breath and energy in control by holding a steady flow.
  • It also lowers the blood pressure slowing down your nervous system.
  • This pranayama aids digestion and alleviates metabolic issues.
  • It helps improve focus and concentration while cultivating inner peace.
  • It quiets your lower brain centres and cools inflammation.
  • It relaxes the muscles across your body.
  • It reduces stress, anxiety and depression.
  • The sheetkari pranayama also helps combat anger issues and irritability.
sheetkari pranayama

How to Practice Sheetkari Pranayama: Step-by-Step Guide

It is important to perform this pranayama correctly. Otherwise, it can have side effects. The following step-by-step guide will help you practise this breathing technique exactly the way it is mentioned in the Hatha Yoga Pradeepika. Read and begin your breathwork practice today!

Step 1: Sit in a comfortable position in a quiet place.

Step 2: Cross your legs and place your palms on your knees.

Step 3: Roll your tongue upwards in a way that it touches the upper palate of your mouth.

Step 4: Clench your teeth and pull your lips apart in a way that your teeth are exposed.

Step 5: Inhale slowly but deeply through your mouth, enough to fill your abdomen, chest and oesophagus. This should produce a hissing sound similar to a snake’s.

Step 6: Hold your breath for as long as you can.

Step 7: Release your breath and exhale slowly through your nostrils.

Step 8: Repeat this for ten counts or more.

Learn to harness the power of breathwork in this short session with Prameet Kotak.

When to Practice Sheetkari Pranayama

This pranayama is best performed in hot weather like the summer because it has a cooling effect on your body and helps with hyperacidity. It is advisable to perform this pranayama on an empty stomach or at least three hours after a meal. You can practise this breathing technique after working out, before bed or meditation.

One thing to remember when practising this pranayama is to avoid it if you suffer from a cold, cough, asthma or other lung disorder. It is also not advisable to do the sheetkari pranayama if you have arthritis, chronic constipation or low blood pressure.

Explore this transcendental breathwork session with Shreans Daga for deep relaxation.

Sheetkari pranayama, also known as the hissing breath pranayama, is a cooling breathing exercise. As mentioned in Hatha Yoga Pradeepika, sheetali and sheetkari pranayama are similar to each other, but sheetkari is the easier version of the sheetali pranayama with the same benefits. Those who cannot roll their tongues to practise the sheetali can try the sheetkari pranayama. 

This pranayama has many benefits: reducing stress and anxiety, lowering blood pressure, combating anger issues, promoting calm and relaxation, aiding digestion, alleviating metabolic issues, relaxing muscles, cooling inflammation, improving focus, managing hunger, thirst and sleep and improving your oral health. This pranayama is best practised during summer in hot weather or after rigorous physical activity. You can also do this pranayama to calm your body down before bed or meditation. Learn more about this breathing technique from experts on SoulSensei.

Read more: Top Breathing Exercises to Relieve Stress 


  • Yogic Way of Life – Sheetkari Pranayama – The hissing breath.


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