Procrastination is the silent thief of time, holding us back from achieving our full potential. Whether it’s putting off that important task or endlessly delaying our goals, we’ve all felt the weight of procrastination. But here’s the good news: breaking free is easier than you think! In this blog, we’ll explore 7 simple yet powerful tips to help you overcome procrastination and ignite your productivity. It’s time to reclaim your time, focus your energy, and take charge of your day. Let’s dive into these actionable strategies and unlock the path to a more productive, fulfilling life!
We’ve All Been There
Procrastination is the act of putting away tasks for later and doing them at the last minute, just before a deadline. Most of us have done this either because the task was too boring or too overwhelming. It is very common to procrastinate when we aren’t looking forward to completing that task. Even though when the time comes, the task causes us much more stress than before, it’s part of human nature to procrastinate starting or completing certain tasks in our lives. Procrastination is not about bad time management but rather a matter of lack of motivation. So, if you too find yourself asking, ‘Why do I procrastinate so much?’The answer lies in first understanding what procrastination is and the psychology behind it.
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What Is Procrastination, Anyway?
As mentioned above, procrastination is the action of avoiding or delaying tasks till the last minute. The meaning of procrastination can be better understood with an example. Have you delayed folding your laundry because you didn’t feel like doing it immediately? Or have you avoided starting a project until it was due for submission the next day? If yes, then you too have experienced procrastination.
The most common reasons why you might procrastinate is either because there’s a lack of motivation or you’re waiting for the motivation to occur. You assume that when the time comes, you’ll be more motivated to complete the task than you are now. That said, some other causes of procrastination can be depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. So, while procrastination is a common problem that can be solved in most cases, it is advisable to see a professional if it starts happening to you too often.
The Psychology Behind Delaying Tasks
There are many reasons why we procrastinate. Procrastination is usually used as a coping mechanism to combat negative emotions like stress and anxiety. However, when you start to procrastinate too often, it can hinder your productivity and affect your everyday interactions. So, it’s important to understand the root cause of your procrastination problem.
Here are some common reasons why you might be delaying that task:
- You’re afraid of the outcome. Maybe it’s an important project or a medical test that you’re dreading the result of.
- You suffer from low self-esteem, so you’re constantly under confident about starting or finishing a task.
- You’re a perfectionist, so you’re waiting for everything to be perfect before you start the task.
- You’re an overachiever and you’ve taken too many things on your plate, so, you’re unable to prioritise and complete each task within an acceptable time limit.
- You’re simply bored and view the task as lacking value. Like doing day-to-day chores.
Try this guided meditation to release fear and anxiety with Shreans Daga.
Tips to Boost Your Productivity
Now that we’ve understood what procrastination is, here are some tips that will help boost your productivity and reduce your urge to procrastinate:
1. Make it Fun
If you’re bored of doing the task, try turning it into a game. For example, if you’re procrastinating to fold your laundry, try putting on your favourite upbeat music while doing it.
2. Allot Some Time
Schedule a short amount of time every day to do the task bit by bit. It could be ten minutes or fifteen. Any amount of time that doesn’t feel too overwhelming.
3. Just Start
Break your task down into baby steps and just do something, anything to get the task started. Once you start a task, you are more likely to complete it.
4. Think of Consequences
List down all the negative things that will happen if you don’t complete this task. For example, your grades could be affected if you don’t submit that assignment.
5. Disconnect
Switch off from all the distractions like your phone or television. This will help you focus on the task at hand and avoid procrastination.
6. Try Instant Gratification –
This is based on a science-backed strategy called temptation bundling. This strategy suggests that you club a short-term reward with a long-term task. For example, allow yourself to watch your favourite show (the reward) only while you’re exercising (the task you’ve been procrastinating).
7. Plan Ahead
Use commitment devices that will force you to follow through with your task. For example, if you’re trying to eat healthier, buy a month’s worth of individual packages that just need minimal effort to cook and consume.
Move Forward with Confidence
Procrastination is the act of putting away tasks for later. There are many reasons why we procrastinate, like lack of motivation, anxiety, fear of the outcome and so on. Some of the most effective ways to avoid procrastination are to start small, reward yourself immediately, disconnect from distractions, list down negative consequences and plan ahead. Learn more about combating procrastination with experts on SoulSensei.
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- Harvard Business Review – 5 Research-Based Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination. By Chris Bailey.
- James Clear – Procrastination: A scientific guide on how to stop procrastinating.
- Very Well Mind – What is Procrastination? By Kendra Cherry