10 Habits of Mentally Strong People You Can Adopt – SoulSensei

Summary : SoulSensei shares the top 10 habits of mentally strong people that you can adopt today. Build a stronger mindset and achieve your goals with these transformative practices.
habits of mentally strong people

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SoulSensei shares the top 10 habits of mentally strong people that you can adopt today. Build a stronger mindset and achieve your goals with these transformative practices.

Understanding Mental Strength and Its Importance

Mental strength is one’s ability to effectively overcome life’s challenges and adversities. Mentally strong people demonstrate high levels of resilience, grit and determination every time they’re faced with a challenge. Developing mental strength is important because that can help you effectively cope with any problem that life throws at you, help you stay motivated and focused on your goals, make you emotionally resilient and bounce back easily from setbacks, help you improve your relationships, develop leadership qualities and cultivate self-awareness ultimately resulting in better mental and physical well-being. In this article, we’ll discuss the habits of mentally strong people that you can adopt to transform your life. Below, we’ve listed the top 10 habits of mentally strong people to help you pick and choose the ones that work best for you.

Try this mindfulness meditation for daily awareness with Saqib Rizvi on SoulSensei.

10 Habits of Mentally Strong People

It’s important to know the habits of mentally strong people because that can be the difference between your current life and the life that you want. Mentally strong individuals are great at regulating their emotions, have high confidence levels and ace positive thinking, here’s how they do it. These are the 10 habits of mentally strong:

1. Turn Challenges Into Opportunities

One of the best habits of mentally strong is changing their perspective towards challenges. They see challenges as opportunities to learn and transform their lives. They don’t fear change and embrace it as an opportunity to grow. They’re open to change and adapt easily to new environments with fresh mindsets and positive thinking.

Unlock the power of a growth mindset in this short session with Arjun Aiyar.

2. Practise Gratitude

When you practise gratitude daily, it can rewire your brain to always see the positive side of any situation. Expressing gratitude is one of the strongest habits of a mentally strong person. They focus on the abundance in their lives instead of the deficiencies. They start and end their days by thanking the universe for all that is good in their lives. 

Take this 21-day gratitude challenge with Nandita Mehta for a positive you.

3. Draw Healthy Boundaries

Knowing your limits is one of the most powerful habits of mentally strong. They know their core values and set clear boundaries accordingly with those around them to protect their mental peace. Creating boundaries can significantly improve mental health and conditions like anxiety. A good example of setting a boundary at work can be letting your colleagues know that you will not be available to take calls after 6 PM to spend time with your family. 

4. Adopt Solution-Based Thinking

Rather than look at the problems, they look at the solutions. They focus on the controllable aspects of the problem and figure out what they can do to change the current situation. This is one of those mentally strong people’s habits that avoid the blame game and take charge in your own hands instead. They focus all their energies on preparation instead of panic.

5. Cultivate Self-Compassion

Most experts agree that self-compassion is one of the top habits of mentally strong people. They have a positive inner dialogue and validate their feelings, especially when they’re going through tough times. They don’t beat themselves up for their failures but navigate them effectively by taking them as lessons to learn from. They constantly remind themselves about their strengths and abilities and hype themselves up. They’re their own cheerleaders.

6. Prioritise Solitude

One of the top mentally strong habits is to embrace solitude and not be afraid of being alone. Mentally strong people regularly take time to be alone with themselves to reflect and spend time pursuing their hobbies to improve their mental well-being. They even take regular digital detoxes to switch off from everyone else and focus on themselves.

7. Exercise Regularly

When you participate in physical exercise, it releases happy hormones and results in improved well-being. Being physically fit also heightens confidence, combats stress and improves focus. So, you can understand why exercising regularly is a big one when it comes to listing down habits of mentally strong people. 

8. Delay Gratification

Mentally strong people look at the long-term benefits of their actions. They look at the big picture and don’t get defeated by minor setbacks. Delaying gratification leads to cultivating patience, which is detrimental to success. Mentally strong people understand that they have to put in the work to get the results, and instant gratification rarely gives desirable results.

9. Be Okay With Discomfort

Mentally strong people are not afraid to make tough calls. They’re not scared to be embarrassed or look like an idiot. They do all that needs to be done to achieve success. They embrace discomfort and work with a growth mindset.

10. Build a Strong Support System

Mentally strong people understand that surrounding yourself with the right people is key to success and overall well-being. They’re not afraid to reach out to people and seek support whenever required. They have a strong network of friends, family and individuals that support their journey.


Building mental strength is important to live successfully. Some habits of mentally strong people include exercising regularly, practising self-compassion, building a strong support system, delaying gratification, prioritising self-compassion, setting healthy boundaries and adopting a growth mindset. Learn more about improving mental strength from experts on SoulSensei.


Talent Smart – 10 habits of mentally strong people. By Travis Bradberry.

New Traderu – 10 habits of mentally strong people. By Julianna Summers.


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