Discover everything you need to know about the Heart Chakra (Anahata) and how it influences love, compassion, and emotional well-being. Learn how to identify blockages and balance your fourth chakra through meditation, breathwork, and self-love practices on SoulSensei.
Embracing the Power of the Heart Chakra
Are you working on improving your relationship with your loved ones or with yourself? Then, working on the heart chakra or the anahata chakra as its known in Sanskrit, is the key. Your feelings of love and being loved are connected with the heart chakra. It is also the centre of joy and compassion.
Chakras are energy centres across your body’s meridian along the spine to give you a little background. They are spinning with energy, and they can get blocked by negative energies like stress and anxiety. In this article, we’ll discuss the fourth chakra that is located near your heart. So, let’s begin.
Learn the secret to long-lasting relationships in this short session with Dr.Shubha Vilas on SoulSensei.
What is the Heart Chakra?
Anahata, the Sanskrit word for heart chakra, means unhurt or unbeaten. As the name suggests, this chakra acts as the centre of love for ourselves and others. It also evokes feelings of joy, compassion and empathy. It is the bridge between all the other chakras as it sits right in between. This chakra is associated with the element of air and is represented by the colour green. It’s important to remember the colour because it will help find the right heart chakra crystals that are great for chakra healing. This chakra is the root of three profound human feelings – love, fear and hate. Let’s further understand the role of the heart chakra in balancing your emotions.
The Role of the Heart Chakra in Emotional Balance
If you have a healthy heart chakra, you’ll be more open to experiences and more open to receiving love and joy. You will move through relationships more smoothly and will have little trouble connecting with those around you. An open heart chakra leads to a happier you. You will have a more optimistic perspective on life and experience positive feelings over negative ones. When your fourth chakra is open, you can connect to yourself better and tune into your feelings effortlessly, making it easier for you to reach an emotional equilibrium.
Signs of an Imbalanced Heart Chakra
On the other hand, if your heart chakra is blocked, it affects the entire process of chakra healing. A blocked heart chakra can have physical and emotional manifestations. Physically, it has a direct impact on your heart, lungs, chest, arms and hands. Emotionally, you can suffer from feelings of unworthiness, trust issues, manipulative behaviours and so on. Here are some signs that there is an imbalance in your heart chakra.
- Isolating yourself excessively
- Feelings of loneliness
- Holding grudges
- Feelings of jealousy
- Fear of intimacy
- Trusting difficulties
- Over defensiveness

Techniques to Heal and Balance the Heart Chakra
If you resonate with any of the feelings listed above and you’re wondering how to heal the heart chakra. Don’t worry; there are many ways you can do it. It is similar to 7 chakras healing. You can meditate, use heart chakra crystals, do yoga and more.
1. Try the Heart Chakra Mudra
It is also known as the Hridaya Mudra. To do the heart chakra mudra, Cross your hands from the wrists in a way that the top of your hands face back to back. Then intertwine your last fingers together. Now do the same thing with your ring fingers and then your index fingers. Lastly, bring your middle fingers and thumbs together to touch.
2. Practise Asanas
Yoga poses like Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward-Facing Dog Pose), Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose), and Matsyasana (Fish Pose) can prove effective in balancing your heart chakra.
3. Use Heart Chakra Crystals
Use crystals like rose quartz while meditating to open up the heart chakra. Crystals play an important role in chakra healing.
4. Do Chakra Healing Meditation
In this meditation, you can close your eyes, scan your body and visualise your heart chakra in your chest as a bright green spinning wheel. Then imagine it getting brighter and brighter till all the blockages are taken away. You can do the same for all the other chakras to balance them. You can also combine this meditation with breathwork, heart chakra mantra and heart-opening affirmations.
Try this chakra healing meditation with Tamanna C
The Heart Chakra’s Role in Relationships
The heart chakra is one of the most important chakras when it comes to relationships. It’s the energy centre that allows feelings of love, empathy and compassion to flow through you. If this chakra is blocked, you will have difficulty expressing and accepting love. You will also struggle with trusting your loved ones and empathising with them. An open-heart chakra helps harmonise your relationships and allows unconditional love to flow through you.
Heart Chakra and Self-Love
You should be your first love. If you have difficulty loving and trusting yourself, then it’s probably because your heart chakra is blocked. This chakra plays an important role in how you view yourself. A balanced heart chakra will make you feel worthy and loved. It can enhance the feelings of overall well-being. It can bring you inner peace and joy. An open fourth chakra will push you to do things you love and nurture yourself. It will fill you with energy and love for those around you. A balanced heart chakra and self-love go hand in hand.
The heart chakra is located near your heart and is associated with the colour green. A balanced heart chakra brings emotional stability, joy and an openness to experience new things. An open heart chakra plays an important role in your emotional and physical well-being. You can unlock your heart chakra by meditating, using crystals, practising yoga and more. Learn more about chakra healing and regaining emotional balance on SoulSensei.
- The heart chakra: Discover and balance the fourth chakra. By Jade Doherty
- Everything you need to know about the heart chakra. By YJ Editors