Learn how to activate your root chakra for improved stability and security. Discover root chakra activation benefits, powerful affirmations for the root chakra, and healing techniques to ensure your energy flows freely on SoulSensei.
Introduction to the Root Chakra
Chakras are unique energy centres across your body’s meridian along the spine. They are associated with different colours and different energies. The first of its kind is the root chakra, also known as the Muladhara chakra in Sanskrit. As the name suggests, it acts as the root of your body and when it is blocked, it can cause physical and emotional ailments. Let’s delve deeper into the characteristics of the root chakra and how to go about root chakra healing.
Explore this chakra healing meditation with Tamanna C on SoulSensei.
What is the Root Chakra?
Do you suffer from low energy and depressive thoughts? Or even constipation? It’s probably because your root chakra is out of balance. This chakra is located at the bottom of the spine. It is depicted by the colour red and is associated with the earth element. This chakra is responsible for your feelings of security, stability and feeling at home. When energy flows easily through this chakra, you feel more grounded and comfortable in the world around you. You feel like you belong which brings a sense of inner peace.
Signs of Imbalance
A blocked root chakra can have physical as well as emotional repercussions. Physically, it can show up as pain and discomfort in your lower body and emotionally, it can manifest in the form of concentration issues and stress. Here are some common signs of root chakra imbalance.
- Insomnia
- Constipation or irritable bowel syndrome
- Imbalance in weight
- Weak immunity
- Fatigue
- Pain in lower back, feet or knees
- Anxiety and fearfulness
- Depression
- Negative thinking
- Erratic decision making
- Constant distraction
- Loss of will
- Existential crisis

Connection to Stability and Security
Because the root chakra is associated with the earth element, it helps you stay grounded. It is the energy centre responsible for making you feel stable and secure in where you are in life. It is believed to be the foundation of your physical and spiritual body and is linked to your ability to dig in and feel firmly rooted in your life. It is the root from which your overall well-being grows. So it’s important to balance and heal this chakra.
Balancing and Healing Techniques
When you heal your root chakra, you’ll be able to steady the energy throughout the body. If the root chakra is balanced, the rest of the chakras start aligning too. Root chakra activation benefits include improved focus, survival instinct, a sense of belonging, feelings of stability, security and grounding and the drive to live. It is also believed to improve ailments of your lower body. There are many ways you can heal or activate it.
- Root chakra affirmations
- Sounds and mantras
- Movement in the form of root chakra yoga
- Root chakra mudra
- Meditation
Try this meditation to activate your chakras with Shreans Daga.
Sound and Mantras for Healing
Wondering how to activate the root chakra? Let’s begin by understanding the sounds and mantras you can use to do so. Healing sounds like singing bowls, gong sounds, and sound baths can prove immensely effective in healing your root chakra. Additionally, you can meditate with the seed mantra of the root chakra called ‘Lam’. It is believed that when this sound or mantra is chanted repeatedly, it can have a profound effect on activating your first chakra.
Yoga Poses for Activation
Yoga is one of the most effective ways to balance your root chakra. Simple poses like the garland pose, standing forward fold, chair pose, warrior pose, and tree pose can help in the activation process.
Additionally, you can try the root chakra mudra. It is known as the yoga of the hands, and when clubbed with meditation, the root chakra mudra can give immediate results. To do this mudra, you should place one hand on your heart and place the other hand lightly on the floor or the chair you’re sitting on. Stay in this position for ten slow, deep breaths and repeat.
Diet and Lifestyle Tips
Simple changes in your diet and lifestyle can help accelerate the healing process of this chakra. Here are some expert-recommended tips and tricks.
- Consume red-coloured foods like beetroot, tomato, strawberries and cherries. Additionally, root vegetables can be helpful too.
- Make meditation a daily practice. You can take ten minutes every day and in a calm spot, close your eyes, and visualise the root chakra as a bright red energy wheel. Concentrate on it and imagine it getting brighter by the second. Once the chakra starts appearing radiant enough, open your eyes slowly.
- Use affirmations for root chakra. Simple statements like ‘I am safe’, ‘I am secure’ and ‘I’m at home in my body’ can have a great impact on healing your root chakra. You can repeat these affirmations for root chakra several times during the day and before going to bed.
- Consider red-coloured crystals like garnet, ruby and red jasper to support your healing.
- Wearing red-coloured clothing is believed to have a significant impact too.
Role in Financial Security
The root chakra is connected with feelings of stability and abundance. When it comes to finances, someone with an overactive root chakra might experience feelings of greed, while someone with a blocked root chakra may suffer from a scarcity mentality, which will ultimately manifest in money issues. A balanced root chakra will make you feel secure in your job and will attract abundance in your financial health.
The root chakra is the first of the seven chakras in your body. It is represented by the colour red and is associated with the earth element. It is responsible for your feelings of security and stability. An imbalanced root chakra can show up in many physical and emotional ailments like stress, anxiety, depression, pain in the lower body and more. You can heal this chakra by using affirmations for the root chakra, meditating, making lifestyle changes, using sound therapy and practising yoga. Learn more about balancing all the chakras from trusted experts on SoulSensei.
- Healthline – Root chakra healing: Techniques to activate, unlock and balance. By Victoria Stokes
- Yoga Journal – Everything you need to know about the root chakra.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the root chakra responsible for?
The root chakra is responsible for feelings of security, survival and stability. It is also believed to be connected with the organs in your lower body like the back, legs, adrenal glands, anus and feet.
How to unblock root chakra?
There are many ways to unblock the root chakra. You can use affirmations, crystals, sound therapy, meditation and yoga to bring balance and healing to it.
What are the symptoms of a blocked root chakra?
Physical symptoms of a blocked root chakra are as follows.
Constipation or irritable bowel syndrome
Imbalance in weight
Weak immunity
Pain in lower back, feet or knees
Emotional and spiritual symptoms of a blocked root chakra are as follows.
Anxiety and fearfulness
Negative thinking
Erratic decision making
Constant distraction
Loss of will
Existential crisis