Unveiling Dr. Shubha Vilas: Author, Spiritual Mentor, and Lifestyle Coach

Summary : Learn how Dr. Shubha Vilas integrates the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, and Mahabharata to promote spiritual thinking and personal growth.
Shubha Vilas SoulSensei

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Dr. Shubha Vilas is a lifestyle coach, storyteller, and author. He has completed his PhD in leadership from Valmiki Ramayana and has extensively studied the stories, the philosophies, and the teachings of scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita, the Ramayana, and the Mahabharata through his 11 years as a monk. 

His spirituality has shaped who he is and the messages he spreads. His goal is to promote spiritual thinking and reasoning using ancient scriptures for daily wisdom. We were lucky enough to speak with Dr. Shubha Vilas to learn more about his journey. 

In Conversation With Dr. Shubha Vilas

1. What was the moment or experience that sparked your spiritual journey?

When I was about 17, I stumbled upon some spiritualists and leaders, and though I was too naive to understand everything, I still understood one thing: these people were very genuine, and it was this that attracted me to spirituality. They truly loved and accepted me for who I am, and I felt that if someone could be like this, then I wanted to be like that too. Seeing a good example of what it means to be a spiritual person inspired me to embark on my own spiritual journey.

I started attending programs with my parents and a weekly Satsang, which turned out to be much more than just a gathering; it was a place where we could do seva. Going every week to clean pots, help with cooking, serve, and interact with amazing people became a part of my culture and life that grounded me and inspired my spirituality. 

By the time I was 20, I started giving lectures about my interest in spirituality and inspiring others. It was amazing to talk to people my age and see them amazed at my ability to speak on topics they couldn’t even understand. I wanted to share this powerful experience with everyone around me. I was deeply touched by the love, affection, knowledge, and opportunities to serve and share everything I was learning there.

The more I talked about it the more inspired I became. 

2. How has your spiritual journey evolved over the years?

I have been connected with spirituality for 25 years, engaging in various activities. For example, I started a program called the Gita Champions League to introduce the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita to children in schools. It has now become an international competition, benefiting thousands of children worldwide.

I also started a publishing house because I felt there was a lack of books that bridge traditional knowledge and the modern way of life. My approach is to adhere to the authentic narration of the scriptures while making them accessible to modern readers using relatable language and examples.

I have also lived as a monk for almost 11 years, leading an intensely austere lifestyle. We would wake up at 4 AM, take a cold water bath in a bathroom shared by 30-40 people, and rush to mark our attendance by 4:57 AM before the aarti began at 5 AM. If we were late, there was a spiritual punishment of writing a mantra 108 times.

The morning program from 5 to 9:30 AM included aartis, prayers, chants, meditation, and community prayer, followed by breakfast. This routine, which I still follow, strengthened my spiritual life, providing me with the stability and focus needed for this journey. The temple environment was organised so that monks had no financial earnings—no bank accounts or money. In the ashram, we had a small wooden box as our locker for all our possessions. If it didn’t fit, we couldn’t keep it. Though austere and intense, it was the most fulfilling and amazing experience. During this phase, I studied all the scriptures and served under various teachers and leaders. My guru was like a father to me; many other mentors were kind and gracious.

During those 11 years, I embarked on the most adventurous experiences, which shaped me and gave me the confidence and clarity I have today.

I still strongly feel I haven’t changed my lifestyle; my goals remain unchanged.

3. What drew you to the study of ancient scriptures, and how did you begin your studies?

I feel that the scriptures are the best self-help books you can find in the world. We all read books to gain knowledge, but over time certain books become irrelevant. These scriptures, however, are always relevant. Written 5,000 years ago and passed down through oral tradition before that, their teachings are still applicable today. My goal is to help people understand the relevance of the scriptures and benefit from their wisdom.

4. How do you approach the interpretation of ancient texts to make them relevant for modern times?

When you read a book on science or mathematics, you might simply need to read a chapter to understand the topic being taught. The scriptures don’t work like this, they cannot be understood at first glance but must be revealed to you. This happens when you learn the scriptures under a leader, we call this guru parampara. Only then will the scriptures reveal themselves to you—not by your intelligence alone. 

They are revealed through blessings, insights, and seva, and only when you go through this process will you truly understand the scriptures.

Personally, I have understood them through serving great teachers and listening to them. When you do this for a substantial period of time, you become able to interpret them. In ancient tradition, adhikaar (authority) comes from seva, from the guru’s blessing, and from the insights you obtain by following the process of sadhana. What you speak then makes sense to people. Whatever you say becomes impactful and can be considered the truth.

5. Can you share some practical tips for incorporating spiritual practices into daily routines?

The most important tip is to get up early in the morning. The 1.5 hours before sunrise in the Vedic scriptures are called Brahma Muhurta. It is a very special time of day, and whatever is done at that time gives the highest benefit. Practices of spirituality are most potent during this period. Wake up at 4:35-5:00 AM; just by getting up, you benefit from the vibrant energy of that time. Engage in introspective activities such as reflection, meditation, reading scriptures, chanting, or performing yoga and breathwork. These practices are greatly aided by the energy present at this time of day. 

The second tip is to be conscious of what you’re eating. You are what you eat. Ensure that your food is clean, meaning it causes the least amount of pain to others. Consider whether your food is a product of violence or grown and cooked in a clean way. This greatly influences the kind of consciousness you will develop. A sattvic diet is ideal.

These two simple practices can greatly advance your spiritual journey.

6. In what ways do you believe ancient wisdom can address contemporary issues such as stress, anxiety, and work-life balance?

All stress and anxiety are due to a gap between expectation and reality. The bigger this gap, the more frustrated you become. Spirituality helps align your expectations with the realities of life. The moment this happens, your stress decreases significantly. Spirituality is the science of finding your inner identity, understanding who you are, and discovering your purpose in life. It helps you lead a very balanced life, avoiding excesses in any part of life. When every aspect of life is balanced, it brings you harmony, freedom from anxiety, and a sense of satisfaction.

7. What is the most rewarding aspect of your work as a spiritual guide and teacher?

When someone walks up to me and says, “Thank you, I have benefited from your lectures or writing,” I feel that’s what I live for, that’s what I strive for. My life is one of service, where I’m trying to spend every moment of the day serving people and helping society. When I find the audience actually reaching out to me, saying they have benefited, I feel very satisfied and fulfilled.

Visit Shubha Vilas’ page on our website to view more content by him. 


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