A Guide to Full Moon Meditation: Benefits, Practices, and Rituals

Summary : Unlock the transformative power of full moon meditation to enhance spirituality, release emotional blockages, and gain clarity; learn its benefits, practice methods, and what to avoid.
full moon meditation

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Have you ever looked up at the moon and felt a wave of calmness wash over you? Have you felt a strong magnetic pull drawing you towards the full moon? If you’re wondering why that happens, it is because the full moon carries energy which affects all of us at different levels. The moon and its cycles have fascinated people for generations, and the full moon has a very strong spiritual significance. A full moon meditation is a very powerful practice you can incorporate in your life to experience its immense benefits. In this article, we will dive deep into how we can channelize the power of the moon through a full moon meditation. Let us also explore the full moon meditation benefits, the importance of the moon cycles, and how you can make the most of these phases. 

What is Full Moon Meditation?

A full moon meditation is a meditative practice that is done every month on the day of the full moon, and 2-3 days after it. When you meditate on the full moon day, you can harness its energy to manifest your desires and connect with yourself. A full moon guided meditation is a very effective way to experience inner calmness, peace and relaxation. It brings a sense of balance into your life, and also brings suppressed emotions to the fore. A full moon meditation can be done in different ways. A guided full moon meditation is one of the most popular ways that anyone can use to connect with the energies of the full moon. Along with that, you can also use visualization, breathwork, and a variety of breathing exercises

Benefits and Importance of Full Moon Meditation 

It is believed that the gravitational pull of the moon controls the movement of the water. Since the human body is made up of 70% water, we can consider that the cycles of the moon have an impact on our mental, emotional and spiritual energy. How can a full moon meditation help you? Here are some of the full moon meditation benefits.

1. Builds a Deeper Spiritual Connection

If you are a spiritual person, you’ll find that the full moon is the best time to get in touch with yourself, and build a connection with the Universe and any higher power that you believe in. By strengthening your connection with yourself, you will get a fresh perspective towards life. You will also rediscover yourself and your purpose.

2. Releases Stagnant Energy and Removes Emotional Blockages

The full moon symbolizes the completion of a cycle. When you do a full moon meditation, it helps you release stuck energy which does not serve you. During the full moon phase, if you feel heaviness and tightness in your body, it may be because of emotional blocks. A full moon ritual or a meditation can help you let go of these blockages, making you feel much lighter.

3. Offers Stronger Clarity

As the moon gets illuminated after going through a month-long cycle, you can also gain a lot of clarity about things you may have been struggling with for a long time. By doing a full moon meditation, you will see that your mental blocks are getting cleared, and you’re able to assess situations with a fresh approach.

4. Strengthens Intuitive Power

A full moon meditation can really help you connect better with yourself and develop your intuitive power. If you are a healer, Tarot reader or a practitioner of occult sciences, you will find that doing a full moon meditation or a full moon ritual helps you build a stronger intuition. 

What Not to Do During a Full Moon

During the full moon, there are some emotional and mental challenges you might face. Here are a few things you should avoid doing during this time. 

1. Engaging in emotionally charged discussions

As you know, the full moon can have an impact on our emotions, so during this time, it’s best not to get into heated discussions as it may lead to misunderstandings. If there are issues you need to address, this may not be a good time to bring those up. Instead, use this time to ground yourself and gain clarity, so that you can approach the situation in a much calmer way later.

2. Starting Something New

Why should you not start something new during the full moon? This is a phase of completion, so it is a time to let things go and make space for manifestations. Starting a new project at this time will not have the desired effect as this period signifies the closing of a chapter. To get the benefits of a full moon meditation, use this time to clear limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns so that you can get rid of the energy that isn’t serving you.

3. Holding On to The Past

Often, there are a lot of things of the past that we hold on to, such as memories of situations that did not work out, failed relationships, grudges against people who may have wronged us. Holding on to these things saps up a lot of our energy and leaves us feeling completely drained. So, during the full moon, you can focus on letting go of the past baggage so that you can focus on the present moment and preserve your energy.

4. Overworking

Are you a person who loves to work all the time? Do you keep yourself busy at all times? If yes, slow down! The full moon is a phase when you might feel excessively stimulated by everything around you, because of which you may not be able to focus on what’s truly important. Instead of overworking and burning yourself out, give yourself some space to process everything that has happened in the last month, and reflect on what changes you could make in order to achieve your goals in the best way possible.

How to Prepare for a Full Moon Meditation?

Find a quiet place where you can spend 15-20 minutes to do a full moon meditation. The best time to do a full moon meditation is after 8 pm on a full moon night. You can do this meditation at home. If you can meditate under the full moon, there’s nothing like it! We have a guided full moon meditation available on our website that you can use for your practice.

Clear up a corner of your room to do this meditation. You can also create an altar using crystals, incense sticks, essential oils, and any other items that make you feel spiritually energised. 

How to Perform a Full Moon Meditation?

Step 1:

Find a space where you will be doing this meditation. You can prepare a specific corner of your house for this practice. You could also do this in an open space.

Step 2:

If you want, you could keep crystals and essential oils to get into a calm mindspace.

Step 3:

Make sure you are comfortable, relaxed, and free from distractions for 20-25 minutes. It would be a good idea to keep your electronic devices away for the duration of the meditation. If you are using your phone or laptop to play a guided full moon meditation, make sure it is on ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode.

Step 4:

Start by taking a few deep, relaxing breaths. Once you feel centered, you can get into meditation.

Step 5:

If you find yourself getting distracted during the meditation, know that it’s completely natural. Just observe your thoughts without judgement, and slowly let them go. Gently bring your focus back to yourself. If you feel any emotions coming up, allow yourself to feel those emotions fully.

Step 6:

Do the meditation for 15-20 minutes. You can also do a longer meditation if you like.

Step 7:

Once the meditation is complete, take a few deep breaths. Rub your palms together and gently place them on your eyes. When you feel ready, you can slowly open them.

Step 8:

Give yourself some time to get re-oriented to your surroundings. You can journal about your experience and reflections as that can give you a lot of helpful insights.

What is the Best Time to Do Full Moon Meditation?

The best time to do a full moon meditation is on a full moon night. The energies and effects of the full moon are active for the next 2-3 days as well, so in case you aren’t able to meditate on the full moon day, you can also do it in the next 2 or 3 days to experience the full moon meditation benefits.


  • “A Guide to Full Moon Meditation: What, Why & How?” Natural Therapy Pages, Natural Therapy Pages, 23 June 2023. 
  • “Full Moon Meditation.” Art Of Living (India), Art of Living. 
  • Hellomyyoga. “Full Moon Meditation: Benefits, How to Do?” Hellomyyoga, hellomyyoga, 8 Mar. 2024. 
  • Potts, Alison, and Julie Smerdon. “The Magic of a Full-Moon Meditation.” Julie Smerdon, Julie Smerdon, 27 Apr. 2021. 
  • Xu, Juna. “10 Things You Should (and Shouldn’t) Do During a Full Moon.” Bed Threads, Bed Threads, 20 May 2024. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Which meditation to do on a full moon?

There are different kinds of meditation you can do during a full moon. One of the easiest and most effective is a full moon guided meditation. Apart from this, you can also practice breathwork exercises, mindfulness meditations, and full moon rituals.

What happens when you meditate on a full moon?

When you meditate on a full moon, you can experience the heightened energy of the lunar cycle, which can help you feel calm and relaxed. You may feel triggered by certain events or situations, and feel a surge of strong emotions. These events shed light on the emotions and experiences that you may have kept bottled up. By meditating on a full moon, you can give yourself space to heal. You can also get mental clarity regarding aspects of life you may have been confused about. Full moon meditation benefits also include better sleep, stronger intuition, and relief from stress and anxiety.

How to manifest during a full moon?

There are some simple full moon rituals you can practice to manifest during a full moon. As mentioned previously, this is not a good time to start anything new. However, if you’re manifesting more mental clarity, relaxation, good sleep and a deeper focus, better energy, you can use the energy of the full moon to amplify your intentions. 
Write down your wishes on a piece of paper and meditate with it. After that, place it under the moonlight or under your pillow as you sleep.
Make moon water by keeping a bottle of water under a full moon overnight and imagining the light of the moon energizing the water with its positive energies. Close your eyes and imagine your intentions being fulfilled as you drink the water.
Write a manifestation letter. Put down your desires in the form of a letter to the universe, and believe that all your desires are coming true.

How do you cleanse yourself on a full moon?

Here are a few ways you can cleanse yourself on a full moon night.
Take a moon bath. We’ve explained above how you can make moon water. You can use it to take a cleansing bath which will help you clear stagnant energy.
Use guided audios and cleanse your energies by imagining a white or golden light entering your body and clearing out all the stress and toxic energies.
Use incense sticks and sage to purify your living space. You can also apply some essential oils such as lavender or lemongrass to feel fresh and energized.

Is meditation more effective on a full moon night?

You can practice meditation any time as it is a very helpful practice. However, since the gravitational pull of the moon is the highest on a full moon night, this is considered the best time to do a full moon meditation. Doing this meditation at this time can have a very positive impact. The heightened energy of the surroundings causes a shift in your energy, making you feel more empowered and connected with yourself.
It can also help you sleep better and thus, restore your physical and mental energy


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