From Dreams to Reality: The 369 Manifestation Method Explained

Summary : Unleash the power of the 369 Manifestation Method and turn your dreams into reality. Explore the mystical significance of 3, 6, and 9, and learn how to use this powerful technique to manifest your desires.
369 manifestation

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Unleash the power of the 369 Manifestation Method and turn your dreams into reality. Explore the mystical significance of 3, 6, and 9, and learn how to use one of the most powerful manifestation techniques to manifest your desires.

Key Takeaways

You must’ve heard all about manifestation, but what exactly is it? And how do you do it? Let us answer some of these questions for you. This concept believes that words and thoughts can be turned into reality. It gained popularity in the 19th Century as part of the New Thought Movement, but lately, it has been gaining momentum thanks to pop culture and social media. 

Individuals use manifestation to achieve their goals by focusing on positive thoughts and journaling. If you want to try for yourself, start your manifestation journey with this manifestation guided meditation by Shreans Daga on SoulSensei. There are many different manifestation techniques, and 369 is one of them. This technique harnesses the power of numbers 3,6 and 9 to help realise your desires. Though this technique is not backed by science, many have testified to its effectiveness. This technique has helped them improve their relationships and achieve personal success. They think that writing down their goals helps them stay focused and motivated. Because this technique involves a lot of repetition, your goals are usually at the forefront of your thoughts, which explains why you are more likely to achieve them sooner. So, let’s understand the 369 manifestation technique further. 

What is the 369 Manifestation Method?

This method which has gone viral on TikTok and other social media platforms, claims to help people achieve their desires by writing them down at different times during the day. This is one of those manifestation techniques that also invites you to visualise your goals and feel the emotions associated with achieving them. It is an amalgamation of numerology and manifestation as these numbers are considered influential in the world of numerology. If you’re wondering how long this method takes, some people report seeing changes within a few weeks, while others report it takes months. So, the key is to be patient and trust in the process. 

Try this short guided session by Simran Pawa to manifest your dreams.

The Significance of Numbers 3,6 and 9 in Manifestation

The numbers 3,6, and 9 are used in this type of manifestation because, according to the renowned American engineer and futurist Nikola Tesla, these three numbers possess some unique, powerful properties. These numbers are believed to be connected to the universe. The number 6 is associated with inner strength and harmony. The number 9 is connected with completion and fulfilment. So when these numbers come together, they are believed to help you tap into a higher frequency that allows you to manifest. This combination of numbers helps amplify your desires and aligns them with the frequency of the universe. 

How to Practice the 369 Manifestation Technique

While this technique isn’t rooted in science, it can still help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. It encourages positive thinking which can lead to the actions required to achieve your goals. What’s worth noting, however, is that since this method seems like a potent one, you might get tempted to try and achieve multiple desires together but it is best to focus on one goal at a time to avoid any distractions. That said, here’s how you can practice it. 

Step 1: Uncover Your Desires

Begin by discovering what you truly desire and being as straightforward as possible. The more precise your goals are, the faster and more probable you will achieve them. In any type of manifestation, you must be specific and concise. Carve out enough time to clearly define your goals. For example, instead of saying, ‘ I want to be fit’, you could get more concise and say, ‘ I want to be fit enough to be able to run the marathon this year’.

369 manifestation

Step 2: Put Pen to Paper

Once you’ve defined your goals, write them down in the following 369 patterns:

  1. Morning (3 times): Write your goals three times to start your day right.
  2. Afternoon (6 times): Now write down the same goals 6 times to keep the momentum going.
  3. Night (9 times): Repeat writing your goals nine times before going to bed to reinforce your desires in your subconscious.  

Step 3: Visualise and Feel Your Dreams

It’s not enough just to write your goals down; it’s also essential that while you’re at it, you clearly visualise your dreams and feel the emotions you would feel when you achieve them – like joy, gratitude, and excitement. For example, if your goal is to be fit, imagine how excited you will feel when you reach your goal weight or when you can successfully do a complicated exercise. This emotional involvement can accelerate the pace of achieving your goals, so ensure you don’t skip this step. 

Step 4: Practice Consistency and Patience

Be patient and consistent ​​when using this type of manifestation. Trust the process; sooner or later, you will see the results, so don’t give up too easily. Consistency and patience are the keys when practising manifestation. 

To enhance this manifestation, you can also use positive affirmations and meditation.

Manifestation is an ancient technique that believes you can turn your words and thoughts into reality. It is one of the most popular ways to realise your goals. One manifestation technique, the 369 method, has recently become immensely popular. This technique is a powerful blend of the principle of manifestation and the ancient science of numerology. It is believed that when the numbers 3,6 and 9 come together, they become a potent medium to align your intentions with the universe’s frequency. This technique encourages you to repeat writing your goals while visualising and feeling the emotions associated with them at different times of the day. While there is no scientific evidence to prove the efficacy of this manifestation, many people have attested to improving their relationships and achieving their goals through this method. There might be some truth to this technique because writing down your goals daily helps you stay motivated and focused. To see the results of this technique better, it might also help to practice other methods like meditation, journaling, visualisation, and positive affirmations.


  • Medium: The 369 manifestation method: Unlocking the power of numbers. 
  • – How to do the 369 manifestation method


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