Overcoming Self-Sabotage: Simple Steps for Behavioral Change

Summary : Overcome self-sabotage with tips & strategies designed to help you identify patterns and improve self discipline. Create lasting positive changes in your behavior.
overcoming self sabotage

Table of Contents

What Is Self-Sabotage?

You must have heard the term self-sabotage many times, but what exactly does it mean? Self-sabotage refers to thoughts, patterns, and behaviours that hinder progress and overall well-being. For example, you could be self-sabotaging yourself by procrastinating on an important task or eating mindlessly despite knowing you have a long-term goal of eating healthy. Self-sabotage can occur in professional life, relationships or personal projects. Overcoming self-sabotage can become easier when you understand the why behind it. Let’s explore that below.

Understanding the Root Causes of Self-Sabotage

The first step to overcoming self-sabotage is digging deep and figuring out the root causes of this behaviour. There are many reasons why you might be doing it. Some common ones are listed below:

  • You might be fearing success because that will come with added responsibilities and greater expectations.
  • You might be feeling like you’re not good enough to achieve everything you want. It could be a sign of low self-esteem.
  • You’re trying to avoid failure and disappointment. 
  • You might have deeply ingrained negative beliefs about yourself due to traumatic childhood experiences. You might feel like you’re not worthy of happiness or success.

Learn how to break dysfunctional patterns in this short session with Kanchan Wadi to break dysfunctional patterns on SoulSensei.

The Impact of Self-Sabotaging Behaviors

Self-sabotage can have a significant impact on your personal growth. It can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety, making you feel like you’re trapped in a cycle of self-destruction. Self-sabotaging behaviours can also lead to chronic depression and feelings of guilt. These behaviours can harm your relationships and create trust issues between you and your loved ones. They can hinder your career advancement and even lead to financial instability. You might end up missing out on important opportunities due to these behaviours. They can also hurt your physical well-being. Self-sabotaging behaviours have been linked to digestive issues, sleep disturbances, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and weak immune system. 

Overcome limiting beliefs with powerful insights in this short session with Simran Pawa.

Signs You Might Be Sabotaging Yourself

There are many self-sabotaging signs to look out for. Identifying them is important to change your behaviour:

  • Procrastination – Constantly delaying important tasks intentionally.
  • Negative self-talk – Talking to yourself in a highly critical language.
  • Isolation – Distancing yourself from your friends and family during difficult times instead of seeking support.
  • Perfectionism – Setting unattainable standards for yourself and waiting for everything to be ‘perfect’ before starting anything.
  • Avoiding Feedback – Becoming defensive when someone offers you constructive criticism.
  • Dwelling in the Past – Constantly regretting your past actions and feeling like you always make the wrong choices.

Why Overcoming Self-Sabotage Is Crucial

Breaking bad habits can be challenging, but it’s important to do so because it can improve one’s life significantly. When you stop self-sabotaging, you can expect improved mental health, increased self-awareness, enhanced confidence and self-esteem, stronger relationships, increased productivity, improved emotional resilience, reduced stress and anxiety and better physical well-being. 

Take this journey to self-discovery and personal growth with Shubhra Chaturvedi in this short session. 

Steps to Stop Self-Sabotaging

Self-improvement takes time and effort. Here are some steps you can take to stop the vicious cycle of self-sabotaging:

Step 1: Take Notice

Build self-awareness through mindfulness practices like meditation and breathwork. This will help you become aware of your self-sabotaging behaviors.

Step 2: Transform Self-Talk

Replace your negative self-talk with a positive one with the help of affirmations. Every time you notice your inner critic come out, repeat positive statements like ‘I am enough’ and ‘I can do anything’ to yourself. 

Step 3: Improve Goal Setting

Set achievable goals for yourself. Break your big goals into small ones, and do one thing every day to achieve each of your goals. This can help increase motivation.

Step 4: Cultivate Helpful Habits

Improve your daily habits. Take time out to exercise, eat mindfully and meditate every day. This can help support your overall well-being and increase confidence. 

Step 5: Practise Visualisation

Reflect on your thoughts and dreams by journaling and visualizing your goals as you write them down. When you write your goals down you are more likely to stay focused on them and achieve them.

Step 6: Buddy Up

Entrust one of your reliable friends to keep you on track when times get tough. Someone who can celebrate your wins with you and keep you motivated at all times.

Step 7: Be Self-Compassionate

Offer yourself the same kindness you would offer a friend. Remember, it’s okay to have setbacks. Learn from your mistakes and move on instead of sulking over them. 

Behavioural Change Strategies to Build a Better You

Bringing about behavioural change in your lifestyle can accelerate your personal growth and improve self-discipline. Here are some strategies that might help:

  1. Create A Morning Routine: Begin your day with a consistent and calming routine that can help set a positive tone for the rest of the day.
  2. Acknowledge Your Achievements: Celebrate all your wins both big and small. This can help improve motivation and self-confidence.
  3. Use Visual Aids: Create an environment for success by putting up positive quotes, images and other visual reminders that keep you focused on your goals.
  4. Practice Gratitude: In the morning or before going to bed, make a list of all the good things that happened to you during the day and thank the universe for them. This will help you cultivate a positive mindset.

Explore building a daily routinefor mindfulness in this short session with Dr. Ddevika. 

Mindset Shifts to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Changing your mindset can change everything. Transform your mindset from a fixed to a growth one by believing that your abilities can be improved with hard work and dedication. Shift your focus from scarcity to abundance by practising gratitude and thanking the universe for the things you have. Instead of comparing yourself with others, compare your current self with your past self and see how far you’ve come. Focus on the long-term benefits of your actions instead of falling for instant gratification. Take charge of your life and recognise that you alone have the power to create the life you want. 

Learn how to cultivate an abundance mindset in this short session with Arjun Aiyar. 

Practical Exercises for Self-Awareness and Growth

Here are some practical and simple exercises you can use to increase self-awareness and accelerate personal growth:

  1. Gratitude Journal: Write down three things you’re grateful for every day.
  2. Self-reflection Questions: Ask yourself important questions that can help you become more self-aware.
  3. SMART Goal Setting: Use the formula of setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound goals for yourself.
  4. Vision Board: Create a visual representation of your goals and desires.

Seeking Help: When and How to Get Support

Sometimes, the root causes of your self-sabotaging behaviours can be deep-seated. Only a professional can help recognise them and suggest helpful strategies to break your unhealthy patterns. If you struggle to stop self-sabotaging despite your hardest attempts, it might be a good idea to seek help from a counsellor or therapist.


Self-sabotage refers to thoughts and patterns that can interfere with your long-term goals. These behaviors can hurt your personal life, professional life and relationships. You can overcome them by cultivating self-awareness, setting achievable goals, cultivating helpful habits, practicing self-compassion and finding an accountability buddy. Learn more about overcoming self-sabotage with experts on SoulSensei.


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