A Guide to Understanding Ho’oponopono Technique

Summary : Know all about the ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho'oponopono with SoulSensei. Learn how this ritual is focused on healing relationships and resolving conflicts.
Ho'oponopono Technique

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Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice centred on forgiveness and healing. The word itself means “to make things right.” According to traditional Hawaiian philosophy, our physical body is connected to our spiritual, emotional, and mental bodies. Many of our problems arise because these are out of harmony. Ho’oponopono helps realign them, bringing peace and balance into our lives. This powerful yet straightforward prayer allows us to heal ourselves and others by embracing forgiveness, love, and gratitude. It’s a gentle reminder that true healing starts within.

How Does Ho’oponopono Work?

Ho’oponopono is a powerful practice of introspection and healing through four simple yet profound mantras:

  1. “I am sorry.”
  2. “Please forgive me.”
  3. “Thank you.”
  4. “I love you.”

1. “I am sorry.”

This step is about acknowledging your role in your life’s circumstances. By saying, “I am sorry,” you take responsibility, recognising that your thoughts and actions shape your experiences. It’s an act of self-accountability that helps open the door to healing.

2. “Please forgive me.”

Asking for forgiveness is a way to cleanse yourself of negativity, guilt, or past mistakes—whether you know them or not. This step isn’t just about seeking forgiveness from others but from the universe and yourself, creating space for emotional freedom.

3. “Thank you.”

Gratitude is essential in the healing process. By saying “Thank you,” you express appreciation for the lessons you’ve learned and the transformation within you. It’s a way of embracing change and acknowledging the universe’s role in your growth.

4. “I love you.”

Love is the most powerful force for healing and has the potential to transform your life. Saying “I love you” directs unconditional love toward yourself, the universe, and those around you. It accelerates healing and nurtures positivity and harmony in all aspects of your life.

By practising this and internalising the Ho’oponopono meaning, you bring a clear intention to the universe. It is said that Dr. Hew Len used this practice to heal patients with mental illness even without meeting them! The Ho’oponopono practice is based on creating a shift in your mindset. It helps you release negative emotions, heal your relationships, and restore inner peace. It works on yourself and others, creating a ripple effect of love and balance in your life.

Ho'oponopono Technique

Practise Ho’oponopono Technique and Meditation

Ho’oponopono meditation is a simple yet powerful way to release negativity and invite peace into your life. Let’s explore how to practise this healing technique.

  • Begin by finding a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. 
  • Sit relaxed, with your arms resting on your knees and palms facing upward.
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep, calming breaths. As you breathe, focus on connecting with yourself and feeling grounded and present.
  • Now, gently introduce the Ho’oponopono prayer: “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.” As you say each phrase, allow yourself to feel the meaning behind the words. Repeat the mantra slowly and with intention, reflecting on how it resonates with you. Is there a specific person or situation that comes to mind as you pray? Let yourself explore any thoughts or emotions that arise.
  • You might experience deep emotions during the meditation—anger, guilt, or regret. Don’t shy away from these feelings. Acknowledge and release them, freeing your heart from any burdens you’ve been carrying.
  • Once you’ve let go of the negative emotions, visualise a soft light surrounding you. You can imagine a green, white, or golden light. Imagine this light filling you with Divine energy and restoring peace, love, and healing throughout your entire being.

This practice can be done daily to cleanse and purify your inner self. Whether healing from past hurts or addressing a specific situation, Ho’oponopono can help you break free from what’s holding you back. You can even repeat the prayer throughout your day, weaving its healing power into your routine. Over time, you’ll notice its transformative effect as peace and positivity take root in your life.

The Ho’oponopono technique is a powerful tool for self-healing and personal growth. By practising it, you learn to accept yourself unconditionally, filling your mind with calmness, peace and positive emotions. This practice helps you regulate your emotions better and work through negative experiences in life. It’s not just transformative for your inner world—it also works wonders for relationships, bringing balance, love, and reconciliation. As you become more understanding and empathetic, your connections with others strengthen.

As an internationally acclaimed speaker and Ho’oponopono practitioner, Mabel Katz explains, “We all have an eraser within us, a delete key, but we forget how to use it. Ho’oponopono reminds us of the power to choose between letting go or reacting, between happiness and suffering. It’s a choice we make at every moment.”

For a deeper understanding of this healing practice, watch this insightful video by SoulSensei expert Dr. Ddevika. It will help you understand the Ho’oponopono technique and discover how It can transform your life.


  • “Exploring Ho’oponopono: The Hawaiian Art of Forgiveness and Healing.” Centre of Excellence, Centre of Excellence, 30 Jan.
  • “Healing Our Hearts and the World through Ho’oponopono.” xMonks, xMonks, 31 Oct. 2020. 
  • “Hooponopono Quotes.” Creatosaurus Quotes, Creatosaurus. 
  • Pechova, Sarka. “Ho’oponopono: ‘Making Things Right’ through This Hawaiian Process of Forgiveness.” SBS Audio, SBS Audio, 26 May 2023. 


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